These are some local links to artifacts docs, executables, sources, disk images etc. of fun projects I wrote and or hacked up for fun back in late 1980's and early 1990's.
This is kind of a strange one, I had started out writing a program to use a Commodore 128 to monitor its various ports (joystick etc) such that it could monitor outside world things for what might someday be a home monitoring system. It ended up being more of a science experiment, a monitoring system with remote access via telephome modem and some simple BBS like features. I think I enjoyed just writing it.
In this space are D71 images for a C128 that can be run with an emulator like VICE/BMC128 etc. The D71 images have been extracted and the extracted files have been run though petcat (petscii cat) to create ascii text files
A-BBS is written in the native "basic" of the C128 and was compiled to make it run faster. Exactly which compiler was used I don't recall at this time.
There is also a scanned document (abbs.pdf) in PDF format that describes it. It was well documented.
WUGATE was a home project to link WWIVnet (I was a WWIV BBS Sysop for node @6300) with Internet email via UUCP. At the time I had UUCP access via wizvax,Gilgut Enterprises, Inc. when it existed in the Methuen MA area. It later relocated to Troy NY as I recall and became a well known Internet provider there. Later MV (Merrimack Valley) communications would be my provider.
After put I this together, I was taking a "Systems yada yada" class as part of the curiclula for my bachelors degree at a New Hampshire College (now SNHU) in Salem NH.
The major project for the class was provide a written description of a system in a structured and perhaps archaic format that was provided. It was natural for me to use this project as the basis and write this paper (wugate.pdf). Thus my home project was documented. The code (what I have anyway) is here.
This project was another addon for my WWIV BBS. WWIVnet was a store and forward amporhous network of BBSs that would route and exchange both emails and forum postings. It was written such that it was extensible and WWFNET took advantage this, wedging into the existing "network". I had a need to be able to swap file with others on WWIVnet and wanted to use it as a transport. See the article in the WWIV Bulletin from January 1992 and of course the source code which is in this space.
Yet another WWIV/BBS related project. This is a hack of Stevie, a VI clone originally written by Tim Thompson and was later used as the initial source for vim.
Stevie was posted on Usenet as a "shell archive" (shar) and is copied here I hacked for use in a BBS enviroment to block general "OS" access to for dialin users. It worked quite well as a VI clone on my BBS.
Unfortunately the sources for my hack of Stevie are lost at this time :-(. The executables are still good, however.
Here is the hack, this is a document for Stevie and here is a modern cheatsheet
This is a simple '3D' drawing program written on an IBM compatible PC running DOS back in the day. It was written in some form of BASIC and compiled with something that made a stand alone executable. The sources are lost :-( The executebles still work, however. Here is the README